It is with regret that CielBelge (Ets A. Linckx et Fils) will cease its activities on November 01, 2024, due to liquidation.

It is therefore no longer possible to place orders via the webshop.


Express delivery mode with tracking

Express delivery via carrier with tracking.
Standard delivery with tracking

Standard delivery with tracking.
The standard delivery is limited to orders of maximum 30Kg and to the following countries: Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Austria and Italy.
Delivery times vary from 4 to 8 working days depending on the destination.
Mondial Relay delivery

Delivery via Mondial Relay available in the following countries: Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.
Delivery times vary from 3 to 6 working days depending on the destination.
Pickup at factory

Pick up at the PAONLIN factory
All your orders can be picked up directly at the PAONLIN factory at the following address: Business Park, 21 den Horick in 3090 Overijse (Belgium).

Delivery via van by our teams directly.
Delivery is limited to the Brussels area.